Come Along With Me

Come Along With Me.

Living life as a Senior.


Just because I became a senior does not mean that learning should cease. I think that learning how to blog should help to keep those brain cells of mine functioning while also providing me with a creative outlet.

Those of you have received those knitted slippers made by me (or who are still waiting for them) will be able to attest to the fact that I am not a knitter. Certainly, in my high school home economics class, my completed sewing project looked very unlike that fabulous dress on the pattern cover. It was a huge miss.

Admittedly, I am creating this blogsite to document our travels, the discovery of good or great products and the changes to our downsized house for my own purposes. However, it is my hope that you will enjoy the armchair viewing.

 This blog will not be discussing the aches and pains of aging, but you will be a witness to my growing pains as I navigate plugins and templates.

 I am so pleased that you have decided to “come along with me.” Welcome!